Thursday, October 31, 2019

Discussion Board Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 9

Discussion Board - Essay Example This article hopes to examine the various techniques of literary and historical criticism as well as providing a solution for getting a clear presentation of the Bible. Historical criticism consists of various specialties such as tradition criticism, redaction criticism, form criticism, and source criticism. Form criticism concentrates on the numerous elements or features of the task and specifically concentrates on the oral transmission time. As its name indicates source criticism tries to recognize the applicable written sources employed by the author2. On the other hand, redaction criticism concentrate on the writers and tries to recognize the material the authors may have modified or added based on their specific theological viewpoints. Historical criticism is the employment of source, redaction, and form critique in combination to draw out the whole of the tradition. Literary criticism can be as easy as reading through the writing as one would read through a section of classical literature by determining literary background, devices, climax, etc. Nevertheless, a new kind of literary criticism claims for an engagement into the writing where a finding of significance happens in an encounter with God and thus prevents the small of historical criticism. Although the objectives of literary criticism appear authentic, it led to various excessive conditions such as deconstructionism, which suggested that meaning was not available in the writing alone. It was of the view that meaning was only available through an exchange between the writing and the reader. Deconstructionism normally led to the reader-response concept, which in its extreme has left the meaning wholly to the reader3. The dimensions of historical criticism have the potential of resulting in an atomistic display that may entirely skip the meaning of the writing by concentrating on the section thus

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Liberalism Is Simply Another Tool to Maintain Western Hegemony Essay

Liberalism Is Simply Another Tool to Maintain Western Hegemony. Discuss - Essay Example In the modern world, most peoples’ thinking is dominated by liberal ideas and most political systems especially in the west are founded on and shaped by liberal principles and values (Ramsay, 2004). Liberal democracies ensure the will of the people is reflected in government policies by ensuring free and fair elections with full participation of electorates and minimum intervention in private affairs of citizens. However, liberal theory is accused of masking actual inequalities in power, wealth and abilities of individuals in liberal society. For example, if an individual has the freedom to pursue his interests but has no resources, then the freedom makes no sense. The liberal theory in international politics focuses on achieving lasting peace and cooperation in international relations. The debate surrounding this issue is whether cooperation among sovereign states is possible bearing in mind that each state is rational and utilitarian. Most scholars argue that trade and economic interdependence among nations can lead to cooperation among states (Keohane 1980; Chandler, 2010, Weber, 2010). However, though the interdependence among states brings relative gains to members, it is used as a means to maintain western supremacy over the rest of the world since the west has the resources and power to influence other states especially developing countries. The developing countries consent to the western ideas and incorporate them in their policies due to gains from the cooperation. The essay in trying to answer the question is divided into 3 sections. The first section will deal with defining the key concepts used in the essay as well as the ideas underlying the liberalism theory of international relations. The second section will be to explain how liberalism is used as a tool to maintain western hegemony. The first argument will focus on free trade as a tool to gain consent and maintain western hegemony. This is because most third world countries are lured to accept western liberal values through free trade which guarantees them economic growth. The second argument will focus on international institutions that are used to gain consent through cooperative regimes hence maintain western hegemony. I will also argue how globalization has been used to spread western ideas hence maintain western hegemony. The last section is the conclusion whereby the main points will be highlighted. DEFINING KEY CONCEPTS The liberal theory of international relations is based on various ideas from different liberalists but they all agree on various key ideas. The concepts mostly used in this theory include; liberalism, freedom, equality, justice, rights, public society and private society. Liberalism is derived from the concept of human nature which views individuals as autonomous beings with equal natural rights, intrinsic dignity and equal worth (Ramsay, 2004). Individuals are considered as rational beings able to pursue personal interests and find the best way to satisfy those wants. In this case, public interest does not exist although neoliberals argue that individuals can give up their interests for the good of others since they are impartial. They encourage cooperation among states so as to achieve joint absolute gains for the good of all. Freedom refers to the â€Å"intrinsic dignity and equal worth of each individual† (Ramsay, 2004: 17).It can be negative or positive liberty but negative freedom is more emphasized and entails non- interference. For example, freedom of speech means other individuals should not restrict one

Sunday, October 27, 2019

News From Nowhere Analysis of William Morris

News From Nowhere Analysis of William Morris Introduction In this essay I will analyse how William Morris’s News from Nowhere and the nineteenth century ecological ideology will shape the vision of the world around humanity. How Morris wanted to design a world that was to him becoming gloomy and joyless, a world that is being separated by industrialist and capitalist systems who have turned everything of value into profit making, although he believes both industrialism and capitalism go hand in hand. My focus will be on how these ideologies are organised in utopian imaginative narration Utopia meaning an imaginary society, place or state considered to be perfect and ideal and could not exist anywhere. But on the other hand that leaves a question can it, society be improved? News from Nowhere exists with visions of the future and also seeks to defend and uphold the revolutionary function of such expectation and hope. It strikes out as a book that is a little different from today. William Morris was a man of many talents, an artist, poet, carpenter, manufacturer, activist, and a socialist during the late 19th century. Later in his life he became a graphic designer. He was born March of 1834 in Walthamstow, England into a wealthy family. He went to school at an early age, studied at Oxford and became interested in art and architecture. At a later part of his life he became interested in politics and textile designs Main body The book tells about beautiful scenery and good weather; †¦air just sharp enough to be refreshing†¦ (News from Nowhere, chapter 1) is an indication of climate changes which for decades now have been a challenge facing the planet today. The problem that comes from climate change has caused many unfriendly problems that the world is facing that have resulting into different problems such as deaths, diseases, and dryness from deserts, water shortages, etc. It is up to the leaders of the world to make necessary changes so as to save the future of the planet. William Morris had an idea of a perfect world and hopeful of what the future might bring, and one of the impressive characters of the ideal world is the freedom of every man and woman to be in control of his/her own destiny. A world that is free from oppression and full of opportunities. Morris more than most people, had set up himself with a good start in life as far as career wise. By his adulthood he had already accomplished some tremendous success, created his firm, developed and exploited his talents to the full, basically he had made himself wealthy and this brought more success to his later careers as an independent actor on the political and social scene as he wished. After he left school he never exposed himself to where someone could be telling him what to do or taking orders from people except on certain occasions he had encounter with the law. He was not a selfish person, as he was a privileged man; he wanted the same for every person. A society without statue or privilege is what Morris wanted (Harvey and Press, 1996) Morris claims that the society is full of evil and that capitalism has destroyed what is left of the society but with communism it can be revived (Geoghegan, 2008) Morris saw in medieval craft labour an anticipation of what free labour in communism will be like. During the medieval periods craftspeople did not experience the type of degradation that labours have been subjected to under capitalism; that is between intellectual and manual and intellectual labour, between great art and manufacture, and also between pleasure and work. Morris believes that it is possible for man to rejoice in his work, and not only the labours that can make one rejoice, the products represent the height of human achievement to date. He rejected mass production, but rather encouraged those to develop their own manual skills such as were necessary to, and enjoyable in the domestic environment. In 1876 Morris wrote a letter to the Daily News protesting against Conservative government’s policy in the Balkans who offered the Turks military support the Russian expansionism in order to protect their interests in the Near East. Morris’s letter gave voice to the feelings and reaction of the people’s demonstration against this move especially a significant section of British opinion, particularly the liberals who resented their government being in war against Turks killing and massacre of Bulgarians. Morris’s letter within a couple of weeks had brought him popularity, after a short while he was elected Treasurer of the Eastern Question Association. This association was formed to campaign and protest against anticipation for war (Morris, 2004) Violence in the streets across the globe today are not new, they can be associated with Morris’s thought about revolution. As we witness today that democracy is sweeping across some parts of the world like the Arab countries. Its citizens are now demonstrating for changes in their government and demanding accountability and transparency. An example is couple of years back; the changes of regimes among North African countries, Egypt, Algeria, and Libya are evident of changes that came about through revolution. In 1885 Morris wrote to Georgiana Burne-Jones that the early struggles of socialism are merely ‘the petty skirmish of outposts, the fight of a corporal’s guard’; he tells the James Frederick that now he has joined the socialists, he has become ‘a soldier of the cause’. At the same time, he affirms the possibility that actual violence may be necessary for political change (Hanson, 2013, p.165) News from Nowhere makes us to understand that Morris motivated a happier society through the satisfactions of creative work. As he says in his preface to the nature of Gothic, â€Å"the lesson which Ruskin here teaches us is that art is the expression of man’s pleasure in labour† (Morris, 2004) he went further to say changed conditions of labour would not only produce better art but happier individuals more capable of enjoying it. He was not opposed to machines as a matter of principle. A lot of people believe he opposes them. He supports labour saving devices where dullness was not concerned. He said that the use of machines will speed production thereby doing those hard labour and saving human extra time and strength. But he criticised the use of machine for increase of production so as to make profit for the capitalists. Morris became the treasurer of the largely working-class National League. He formed a good relation with working people who had been empowered by the 1832 Reform Bill; the middle classes who are the driving force behind the nation’s wealth and power. Because of its success the franchise was extended to wider sections of working class which attracted new voters. His aim was for workers to be in charge of their own lives. Workers should organise and have trade unions through which they will make their voice heard, issues like wages, temporary managers, number of hours, care and sick payment, the dismissed, and the unemployed and general working conditions. After the revolution of 1848, things changed for good as a result of extension of the suffrage of 1867, increasing prosperity and liberal reforms, the rise of the trade unions all contributed to the improvement of things. Morris believed in â€Å"Socialism from the Root Up† (Morris, 2004) fundamental change brought about by sudden popular revolution. He worked hard and treated his work for league as a full time job. During Morris’s time the league fought for free speech campaign so as to possess the right to protest and carry out public demonstrations. In this process he was arrested and fined on some occasions at the Trafalgar Square. Just as it is in the world today people are demonstrating against governments, companies, or institutions on policies that are against their democratic rights. Today in Ireland the people are demonstrating against the new water charge imposed by the government Change does not come by peaceful means, but through struggles. It was through this circumstance as the Socialist League drew nearer disintegration that prompted Morris to write News from Nowhere, a book that combines continuing trust in a Socialist future with a need to recharge the batteries of an imagination near exhaustion (Morris, 2004) Morris stressed not only the importance of political party but for the party to be a party of cadres, highly trained and qualified personnel of theoretical understanding, capable of assuming a leading role in any revolutionary activities towards the working class. He made it clear that the Socialist League should stand for revolutionary and scientific Socialism as against Hyndman’s SDF (Social Democratic Federation) for the fact that he believes Hyndman and SDF method will only achieve what he Morris called ‘mechanical revolution’, which is not real revolution. On the contrary Morris demanded ‘an educated movement’ ( Morris believes that old order must not take charge put if they persist, then they must be removed by force, that is when necessary to use intelligent revolution which is for the good of the people. He wanted far above every other thing body of able high- minded working class, experienced, knowledgeable and skilled men who will teach and direct the general population during critical moments of any movement. He had a strong disapproval towards opportunism which will involve him in alliance with other parties at the long run will lead to electioneering and deprive the socialist movement some of its best leaders by sending them pretentious parliament, where they will become useless. Morris hammered on the importance of education especially in the party system so as to have a strong party which comprises education in economics, in organisation, and also administratively. He went further to say without an organised political party to provide a concrete and theoretical awareness and existence of socialism, any sudden revolt would bring it to scatter in various directions. On the issue of gender, Morris was aware of the apparent reaction of the solution regarding the woman question, just as he was conscious of the conservative and emotional implications of his desire to give new life to the handicraft. But he did not temper his belief that house work was the natural realm of the woman, they do it excellently well, and that a woman’s natural vocation was to provide help and comfort for her children and the head of the family. In the book there is an open rejection by Morris on movement of freedom with regards to central demand as the right to free the more intelligent part of their sex from the bearing of children. The domestic workers in the book are independent, athletic, active, and passionate, they are never worn down by their work, always good-natured and extremely beautiful. Perhaps is not surprising that Morris confessed that he had fallen in love with Ellen. Conclusion William Morris’s News from Nowhere is an interesting book with a vision. Despite the fact it was written in 1890, its contains arguments and debate that will inspire every generations to come; of all sectors both students, workers, politicians to look beyond the immediate system and virtualise future. Bibliography Agathocleous, T. (20011) Urban realism and the cosmopolitan imagination in the nineteenth century: Visible city, Invisible city, Cambridge University Press Cairns, J, Sears, A. (2012) the democratic imagination: Envisioning popular power in the twenty- first century, University of Toronto Press Corporal, M., Leeuwen, E. J. V. (2010) the literary utopias of cultural communities, 1790 – 1910 Rodopi Press Geoghegan, V. (2008) Utopianism and Marxism, Peter Lang Publishers Hanson, I. (2013) William Morris and the users of violence, 1856 – 1890, Anthem Press Harvey, C., Press, J. (1996) Art, enterprise, and ethics: The life and works of William Morris   Psychology Press Latham, D. (2007) writing on the image: Reading William Morris, University of Toronto Press Lvitas, R. (2010) the concept of Utopia, Peter Lang Publishers Morris, W. (2004) news from nowhere and the other writing, Penguin Publishing Peters, M. A., Freeman-Moir, D. J. (2006) Edutopias, Sense Publishers Plotz, J. (2008) portable property: Victorian culture on the move, Preston Publishers The ecological communitarianism of William Morris, /02c87,

Friday, October 25, 2019

Application of CFD Simulation for Evaluating the Separation Efficiency of Deoiling Hydrocyclones :: Environment, Oil-water Separation

Introduction Having an efficient and reliable system for oil-water separation is of crucial importance especially for offshore oil and gas industry. Due to the platform movement, space, weight and operating limitations in offshore, the usage of common methods (gravity based vessels) for oil/water separation are ineffective. On the other hand producing oil is often accompanied by large amount of water that is discharged into the sea on offshore platforms. The amount of oil in water is confined from environmental standards. Therefore the need to have a high efficiency compact separator during variable operating conditions attracts the interests of researchers to hydrocyclones. Special trait of hydrocyclones such as simple design, easy to install and operate, no moving parts, and low manufacturing and maintenance costs make hydrocyclones as an economical and effective system for produced water treatment [1-2]. The separation process that is occurred in the deoiling hydrocyclones is quite different from that in the desander ones []. The density difference between liquid-liquid is smaller than solid-liquid mixtures. Therefore the separation of liquid from liquid is more difficult than solid from liquid and needs higher rotational speeds. The liquid droplet in comparison with solid particles could not experience shear rates. If the shear rates increase to the critical level the larger droplet break down to the smaller ones. The separation process for small liquid droplets is more difficult than large ones. On the other hand if two droplets close enough they might coalesce to each other. Because of difference in flow split of desander and deoiler hydrocyclones, the flow feature of continuous phase is different in these two types. The centrifugal forces cause the solid particles migrate to the wall region in desander hydrocyclones. So the near wall region is important in desander hydrocyclones but the oil droplet migrate to the center of hydrocyclones in deoiling hydrocyclones and the consideration tends to the center flow features. The first idea of using common hydrocyclones for oil-water separation was suggested by Simkin and Olney [6] and Sheng et al. [7] but fundamental studies on deoiling hydrocyclones started from 1980 by Colman [8] and Thew. Several experimental researches on deoiling hydrocyclones were conducted by Colman et al. [9] and Colman and Thew [10-12]. Their results showed that the separation efficiency of hydrocyclones is independent of flow split between 0.5 to 10 percent. So the overflow diameter should design based on working conditions. Moreover for constant droplet size distribution in inlet, the size distribution in outlet is independent of flow split. Application of CFD Simulation for Evaluating the Separation Efficiency of Deoiling Hydrocyclones :: Environment, Oil-water Separation Introduction Having an efficient and reliable system for oil-water separation is of crucial importance especially for offshore oil and gas industry. Due to the platform movement, space, weight and operating limitations in offshore, the usage of common methods (gravity based vessels) for oil/water separation are ineffective. On the other hand producing oil is often accompanied by large amount of water that is discharged into the sea on offshore platforms. The amount of oil in water is confined from environmental standards. Therefore the need to have a high efficiency compact separator during variable operating conditions attracts the interests of researchers to hydrocyclones. Special trait of hydrocyclones such as simple design, easy to install and operate, no moving parts, and low manufacturing and maintenance costs make hydrocyclones as an economical and effective system for produced water treatment [1-2]. The separation process that is occurred in the deoiling hydrocyclones is quite different from that in the desander ones []. The density difference between liquid-liquid is smaller than solid-liquid mixtures. Therefore the separation of liquid from liquid is more difficult than solid from liquid and needs higher rotational speeds. The liquid droplet in comparison with solid particles could not experience shear rates. If the shear rates increase to the critical level the larger droplet break down to the smaller ones. The separation process for small liquid droplets is more difficult than large ones. On the other hand if two droplets close enough they might coalesce to each other. Because of difference in flow split of desander and deoiler hydrocyclones, the flow feature of continuous phase is different in these two types. The centrifugal forces cause the solid particles migrate to the wall region in desander hydrocyclones. So the near wall region is important in desander hydrocyclones but the oil droplet migrate to the center of hydrocyclones in deoiling hydrocyclones and the consideration tends to the center flow features. The first idea of using common hydrocyclones for oil-water separation was suggested by Simkin and Olney [6] and Sheng et al. [7] but fundamental studies on deoiling hydrocyclones started from 1980 by Colman [8] and Thew. Several experimental researches on deoiling hydrocyclones were conducted by Colman et al. [9] and Colman and Thew [10-12]. Their results showed that the separation efficiency of hydrocyclones is independent of flow split between 0.5 to 10 percent. So the overflow diameter should design based on working conditions. Moreover for constant droplet size distribution in inlet, the size distribution in outlet is independent of flow split.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Federalists Essay

Linda Kerber described the predicaments of the Federalists, a political party whose members feared that popular democracy might spin out of control. Although they both fostered economic development, the Federalists were aware that an urban grassroots would result. The believers of the Federalist Party believed that Jefferson’s approach to politics was naive. The early stages of industrialization and urban growth were providing the ingredients of a working class; already existing was an unpredictable class of permanently poor who might well be available for mob action. The God or the religious beliefs of the Federalists often appeared to behave like a fourth branch of Government. They believed that religious obligation would reinforce moral obligation and would make popular government orderly and stable. On the other hand the Jeffersonian supporters felt they should break down the barrier of habitual morality (religion), with the interruption of education, habit and superstitions they were confident they would have a more positive vice. Drew R. McCoy spoke of â€Å"The Fears of the Jeffersonian Republicans†. Jefferson and his supporters predicted the challenges for the future of the United States. They were fearful of creating a dependent class; he envisioned huge tracts of land being farmed by righteous residents of the young republic. In keeping their independence from the British they encouraged production â€Å"within our families†, but for the finer manufactures, they would continue to rely on importations from abroad. New forms of employment needed to be created in order to keep the moral and political advantages of America up. The largest fears were of an uprising of the working class people and independent revolutions. Ben Franklin recognized that corruption could result from both natural and artificial causes. Jefferson was always faced with the reality of his plan failing constantly reminded by the thought of the decline of the Roman Empire. I found this Chapter to be the hardest to read, I researched other sources to understand and get through the politics of this chapter. I found the internet website www. answers. com/topic/republicans-jeffersonian to be most helpful. The reading and rational was made for the freshman U.  S. History student. I was able to acknowledge the fact that the Federalists Convention was the process of breaking free from the British Empire. By the mid-eighteenth century a large proportion of adult white males in the colonies possessed the suffrage while also enjoying the privileges of a free press and some freedom of religious worship The colonies in other words, had grown apart from the mother country, their inhabitants had begun to think of themselves as Americans, and, not surprisingly, they proved unreceptive to attempts to bring them to strengthen.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Selection Process of Marketing Manager

HR PROJECT SELECTION PROCESS OF MARKETING MANAGER Prepared for: Mr. Fahad Hassan, Lecturer of HRM Prepared by: Naveed Zulfiqar mbaf6-83 Sadiq Ayaz mbaf6-119 Hafiz Tajammul Hussain mbaf6-29 Shahid Mehmood mbaf6-95 Fasih Ullah Khan Suri mbaf6-20 Waqas Manzur mbaf6-74 [pic] [pic] DEDICATION This piece of work is dedicated to My parent & teachers Who deliberately pray for me Day and Night ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Up and above every thing, all praise goes to ALMIGHTY ALLAH. We are grateful to ALMIGHTY ALLAH, the Beneficent the Merciful, for encouraging me to complete this work successfully. We are extremely thankful to my respected Sir. Fahad Hassan for his great teaching during the whole semester. He is a well-versed man, an excellent teacher, and research oriented person. I learnt a lot from his behavior towards the project. I express my thanks to The Head of Department of Management Sciences (CIIT Lahore), because of his selfless and tireless efforts providing me all the facilities we needed throughout the study. We also pray for my parent who is supporting me in all means during my study period. Naveed Zulfiqar & Other Members MBA Batch 7 2nd Semester Table of Contents Proposal for the HR Project | | | |5 | |Introduction/Background |5 | |Project Goals and Objectives |6 | |Project Plan: Tasks, Methods, Timelines |6 | |Project Outcomes and Timeline |7 | |Conclusions |7 | |Job Analysis |8 | |Job Advertisement |10 | |Resume received |11 | |Selection Test |12 | | |17 | |Test Marks List | | |Job Interview Letter |18 | | Interview Analysis Form |19 | | Final Score |2 0 | | Letter of Appointment |21 | Proposal for the HR Project Problem Statement The purpose of this proposal is to outline the need for a project that analyzes the selection process of marketing manager in an organization. In response to the Mr. Fahad Hassan to analyze selection process of marketing manager, this project will seek to answer the following questions: †¢ What are the Job Description and Job Specification Marketing Manager? †¢ What are the steps and sources required in the job advertisement? †¢ What are the steps and sources required in the selection test? †¢ What are the steps and sources required in the selection interview? †¢ What are the steps in designing a job offer letter along with employment contract? Introduction/Background About Haier Group [pic] Founded in 1984 and based in China, the Haier Group is a leading manufacturer of a wide range of world-class home appliances. Starting out as the Qingdao Refrigerator Factory with 800 employees and only one product line, Haier has grown to become a globally recognized name brand†¦ the 6th largest in the world and the number one domestic electrical appliance producer in China. The continual development of its markets both at home and abroad has resulted in exports to 160 countries and regions. The Company’s achievements are a result of the spirit of excellence and devotion that pervades throughout the organization. Haier employees work together to benefit the society and improve the quality of life and to create innovative products that are an excellent value for money. About Haier Pakistan [pic]Haier Pakistan is the Pakistan Sales & Marketing division of the international Haier Group, a globally recognized manufacturer of world-class electrical home appliances. The joint venture between Ruba General Trading Company and Haier Group of China has brought Haier to Pakistan with an initial investment of about US$35 million and a commitment to provide world-class innovative products based on uncompromising quality to the Pakistani consumer. The plant spreads over a vast area of 63 acres with a covered area of 0. 6 million square feet including a workers’ colony on Raiwind Road, Lahore. The project is expected to produce 0. 9 million pieces of household appliances per year with plans to export to the Middle East and all over Asia. In the first year of its operations, Haier will generate employment opportunities to 600 individuals with potential to grow up to 1200 within the next 5 years. Furthermore, Haier will supplement income of 1000 to 1500 families providing indirect earning and employment possibilities. The roster of products to be launched immediately in Pakistan includes Refrigerators, Air-Conditioners (Window & Split), Deep Freezers and Washing Machines, Microwave Ovens and Small Appliances with Dishwashers, Vacuum Cleaners, Television Sets and Mobile Phones to follow shortly. Haier Pakistan has entered the local market with a commitment to help its consumers reap the benefits of modern lifestyle and to provide them world-class innovative products, unmatched nationwide customer support, a vast dealer network and a steadfast after- sales-service throughout the country. Haier’s goal is to become a global recognizable brand. Project Goals and Objectives Our project's objectives and goals are to identify the selection process of the marketing manager. What are the prerequisites of the job selection, skill requirements, experience etc? What thing that should be considers who will involve in the job selection process. The Objectives of this project are listed below 1. Job Analysis of Marketing Manager 2. Designing of Job Advertisement 3. Designing and Conducting the Selection Test 1. Designing and Conducting the Selection Interview 2. designing Job Offer Letter along with Employment Contract Project Plan: Tasks, Methods, Timelines Tasks that will be performed as part of this project starts with the submission of project proposal. After the submission of proposal, we will gather data and information involve in the job analysis, and then we will advertise the job and will receive CV's from the students till May 21, 2007. After receiving the CV's we look at them analyze them and then call the right candidate â€Å"that is according to our requirements. † Then we will design the selection test as well as the selection interview. There will be two selection tests for the candidates. After that we will call the candidates who perform well in the tests and conduct the interview. After the interview we will select the candidate that is best fit to our requirements and we will send â€Å"Job Offer Letter â€Å"along with the employment contract. The methods for performing these tasks will be based on our visit to Haier Pakistan. Data gathering will be through interview of marketing manager of Haier Pakistan. We also perform the observational research that is we observe how selection process held in an organization. Project Outcomes and Timeline The result of this project will be an analytical report that discusses the selection process of the marketing manager of a multinational organization. In addition, the report will suggest practical strategies for designing and conducting the selection tests and selection interviews. In order to complete this project, we will follow the schedule below: Submission of Proposal: |May 7, 2007 | |Job Analysis: |May 11,2007 | |Job Advertisement: |May 16, 2007 | |Submission of CV's: |May 21, 2007 | |Selection Test : |May 30, 2007 | |Selection Interview: |June 17, 2007 | Conclusion We believe that this project will fill an existing gap in the student’s knowledge about the selection proc ess of a candidate in multinational organizations. A gap, that undermines our student’s ability to effectively serve their knowledge and skills to the organization for the betterment of the future. We are eager to undertake the project and look forward to hearing any comments and suggestions that you have. JOB ANALYSIS Job Analysis of Marketing Manager This data has been collected through the interview of HR manager of Haier Pakistan and Novena export Limited. INTERVIEWEE’S Mr. Abid Assistant Manager HR Novena Export ltd. Mr. Tayyab Marketing Manager of Haier Pakistan, Lahore JOB DESCRPTION AND SPECIFICATION OF MARKETING MANAGER Job Title: Marketing Manager Department: Marketing Reports To: VP Marketing FLSA Status: Exempt SUMMARY The Marketing Manager is responsible for the planning and execution of various marketing tactics ensuring they are properly representative of brand values. Manages strategic advertising programs with agencies and merchandise vendors, Analyzes results and takes action to maximize Co-Op revenue programs. MAJOR DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Major duties and responsibilities are listed below. Other duties may be assigned as business needs require: 1. Effectively manage in-store Co-Op advertising budget to ensure all goals are consistently being met. 2. Occasionally create and implement new marketing vehicles to maximize Co-Op revenue. 3. Produce bi-annual Marketing Planner for Co-Op program. 4. Work closely with Merchandise Department to fill in-store marketing vehicle space and develop special/exclusive offers/products. 5. Work with Visual Merchandise and Store Operations to create programs to improve overall store compliance with marketing programs. 6. Develop in-store promotional themes and events around major title and product launches. 7. Approve brand usages in advertising initiatives created by vendors. 8. Manage the use of GameStop and EB Games trademarks. 9. Test strategic advertising campaigns utilizing radio and other mediums. 10. Manage outside agencies to ensure efficient use of resources. 11. Develop and execute effective customer loyalty programs. 12. Work with Merchandise Department and outside agency to develop and execute newspaper advertisements. 13. Manage brand identity and consumer research data (NPD, Syndics, etc). Recommend changes to strategies based on results and findings. 14. Analyze and report the success/effectiveness of targeted advertising campaigns, special events/promotions (FSI, radio, national initiatives, etc. ). 15. Assist with special projects as needed. QUALIFICATIONS: To perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily. The requirements listed are representative of the knowledge, skills, education and/or ability required for this position. ESSENTIAL JOB SKILLS/ABILITIES 16. Outclass presentation, communication, negotiation skills. 17. Should be a team leader. 18. Ability to thrive in a fluid, demanding, and fast growth culture. 19. Organizational as well as excellent written and verbal communication skills are a must. 20. Accurate typing and data entry skills. 21. Recognize discrepancies in written/recorded data/information. 22. Communicate effectively with management, coworkers and store staff. 23. Experience in negotiating value added opportunities. 24. Organize, prioritize and control job responsibilities. 25. Work under deadline pressure and meet the deadlines. 26. Able to work with minimal supervision and be a self-starter. 27. Proficient with operating a personal computer and use of MS Excel/Word/Outlook/Access and other required programs. 28. Must be able to organize and control job responsibilities, particularly the accuracy and productivity related to paper flow. EDUCATION and/or EXPERIENCE: 29. Require MBA in Marketing from recognized institute. 0. Must have at least five years of marketing experience in the retail industry. 31. Must have two to three years of management experience. 32. We are equal opportunity employment. JOB ADVERTISEMENT |MANAGER MARKETING | |Industry: Advertising/Marketing | |[pic] | | | | | | | | |   | |Jo b Details | | | | | | | | | | | |Job Title: | |MANAGER MARKETING | | | |Industry: | |Advertising/Marketing | | | |Department: | |Marketing | | | |Job Type: | |Permanent | | | |Job Location: | |Lahore, Pakistan | | | |Age: | |20 years – 30 years | | | |Minimum Education: | MBA (Marketing) | | | |Career Level | |Experienced (Non-Manager) | | | |Minimum Experience: | |2 Years | | | |Work Permit: | |Pakistan | | | |Required Travel: | |25% | | | |Salary Range: | |PKR. 0,000 to 25000/month | | | |Apply By: | |May 30, 2007 | | | | | |Job Description: | | | |Business Development, Client Management | |Manage strategic advertising programs with agencies and merchandise vendors, Analyzes results and takes action to maximize Co-Op | |revenue programs. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Skills Required | | | |[pic] | | | |Ability to work well in a team environment and reach consensus on decisions quickly | |Good communication skills | |both written and verbal â€⠀œ Experience of home appliances | | | |Outclass presentation, communication, negotiation skills. | |Should be a team leader. | |Ability to thrive in a fluid, demanding, and fast growth culture. |Organizational as well as excellent written and verbal communication skills are a must. | |Recognize discrepancies in written/recorded data/information. | |Communicate effectively with management, coworkers and store staff. | |Experience in negotiating value added opportunities. | |Organize, prioritize and control job responsibilities. | |Work under deadline pressure and meet the deadlines. | |Able to work with minimal supervision and be a self-starter. | |Proficient with operating a personal computer and use of MS Excel/Word/Outlook/Access and other required programs. | |Must be able to organize and control job responsibilities, particularly the accuracy and productivity related to paper | |flow. | | |   | |Company Information | |   | | | | | |   | |Company Name: | |   | |FU N MART | | | |   | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Resume’s Received S. NOName Received 1Muhammad Asad Khurshid v 2Mian Asifv 3Muhammad Tahir v 4Muhammad Saqibv 5Muhammad Dawood v 6Muhammad Junid v 7Umar Haroon v 8Adeel Shahzad v 9Mehreen Maryam v 10Muhammad Ramzan v 11Shahid Mahmoodv 12Furqan Ghouri v 13Ayesha BiBiv 14Zeeshan Shauket v 15Hassan Farooq v 16Toqeer Qadirv 17Muhammad Kashifv 8Imran Khan v 19Rahid Aliv 20Samina Akbarv 21Jahanzaib Aslam v 22Muhammad Waheedv 23Matee Khan v 24Syed Tanweer Shahv 25Umar Farooq Mailkv 26Muhammad Khurramv 27Faisal Saeed v 28Raja Jawadv 29Muhammad Numan v 30Muhammad Ahmedv 31Abdual Jubbarv SELECTION TEST Candidate Name __________________ Reg. #___________________ Total Time: 30 min. Knowledge Part 1. Niche market is called a. Small market b. Mass market c. Diversified market d. None of them 2. Marketing mix include a. Price b. Place c. Product d. Promotion f. All of them 3. Customer equity mean a. Total customer life time va lue b. Total combine customer life time value c. All of the above d. None of the above 4. Marketing offer include a. Product b. Service c. Experience d. All of them 5. What is market penetration strategy? a. New products new markets b. New markets current products c. Current markets current products d. New products current markets 6. Marketing philosophy include a. Production concept b. Product concept c. Selling concept d. Marketing concept e. All of above 7. What is de-marketing? a. To reduce demand b. To destroy the demand c. To increase the demand d. No demand 8. According to the production life cycle, the introduction stage is a period of:- a. Slow sales growth b. High sales growth c. No sales growth d. None of them 9. Buyer decision process consists of:- a. Five stages b. Three stages c. Four stages d. None of them 10. Complex buying behavior consists of:- a. High involvement b. Low involvement c. No involvement d. None of them 11. A good market segment must be:- a. Measurable b. Accessible c. Actionable d. All of them 12. Product width means a. Total number of products b. Total number of product lines c. All of the above d. None of them 13. TQM stands for:- a. Total quantity management b. Total quality management c. Textile quality management d. Non of the above 14. Value based pricing based on:- a. Buyer’s perception b. Seller’s perception c. Agent perception d. All of them 15. Market skimming strategy mean:- a. Charging low prices b. Charging high prices c. Charging suitable prices d. Charging medium prices IQ Test Top of Form [pic][pic][pic] |1. |The word, â€Å"mineral,† can be spelled using only the letters found in the word, â€Å"parliament. | | | | | |[pic]True   Ã‚   [pic]False | |2. |This sequence of four words, â€Å"triangle, glove, clock, bicycle,† corresponds to this sequence of numbers â€Å"3, 5, 12, 2. â€Å"| | | | | | | | |[pic]True   Ã‚   [pic]False | |3. |27 minutes before 7 o'clock is 33 minutes past 5 o'clock. | | | | |[pic]True   Ã‚   [pic]False | |4. |The word, â€Å"slackers,† is spelled by using the first letters of the words in the following sentence: â€Å"Silent large | | |anteaters calmly kiss each roasted snack. † | | | | | |[pic]True   Ã‚   [pic]False | |5. |If written backwards, the number, â€Å"one thousand, one hundred twenty-five,† would be written â€Å"five thousand, two | | |hundred eleven. | | | | | |[pic]True   Ã‚   [pic]False | |6. |Gary has only forty-eight dollars, but he can buy a bicycle that costs one hundred twenty dollars, (disregarding tax) | | |if he borrows fifty-seven dollars from Jane and fifteen dollars from Jill. | | | | | |[pic]True   Ã‚   [pic]False | |7. |A round wall clock that has been rotated until it is hanging upside down will have a minute hand that points to the | | |right when it is two forty-five. | | | | |[pic]True   Ã‚   [pic]False | |8. |If Richard looks into a mirror and touches his left ear with his right hand, Richard's image seems to touch its right | | |ear with its left h and. | | | | | |[pic]True   Ã‚   [pic]False | |9. |If you leave the letters in the same order, but rearrange the spaces in the phrase, â€Å"Them eats on,† it can be read as,| | |†Theme at son. | | | | | |[pic]True   Ã‚   [pic]False | |10. |The words, â€Å"auctioned, education, and cautioned,† all use the exact same letters. | | | | | |[pic]True   Ã‚   [pic]False | Bottom of Form Management Style Attitude Test [pic][pic][pic] |1. I need to keep an eye on my employees to ensure the job gets done? | |[pic]Agree | |[pic]Disagree | |2. Incentives such as bonuses and prizes keep my employees motivated | |[pic]Agree | |[pic]Disagree | |3. My employee's personal problems wont affect their ability to work. | |[pic]Agree | |[pic]Disagree | |4. I instinctively know when my employees are unhappy | |[pic]Agree | |[pic]Disagree | |5. I feel unable to praise my staff as I feel it would patronise their efforts  Ã‚   | |[pic]Agree | |[pic]Disagree | |6. I share an interest in the lives of my employees and whatever they feel important to them   | |[pic]Agree | |[pic]Disagree | |7. I am open to suggestions in the workplace, and eager to change policy where necessary s a result of a good suggestion | |[pic]Agree | |[pic]Disagree | |8. My employees are aware of the impact their work contributions make to my company | |[pic]Agree | |[pic]Disagree | |9. There is no need to share the company's achievements and progress with my employees   | |[pic]Agree | |[pic]Disagree | |10. All employees shouldn't actively be encouraged to move towards a more demanding role | |[pic]Agree | |[pic]Disagree | Q. Suppose you are a marketing manager of a company, and company wants to launch its new product in the marketing. Develop the marketing strategy for the new product. Test Marks List S. NOName Marks 1Muhammad Asad Khurshid 27 2Mian Asif27 3Muhammad Tahir 30 4Muhammad Saqib28 5Muhammad Dawood 25 Muhammad Junid 22 7Umar Haroon 24 8Adeel Shahzad 34 9Mehreen Maryam 22 10Muhammad Ramzan 23 11Shahid Mahmood25 12Furqan Ghouri 28 13Ayesha BiBi26 14Zeeshan Shauket 28 15Hassan Farooq 24 16Toqeer Qadir30 17Muhammad Kashif30 18Imran Khan 33 19Rahid Ali25 20Samina Akbar28 21Jahanzaib Aslam 27 22Muhammad Waheed21 23Matee Khan 21 24Syed Tanweer Shah25 25Umar Farooq Mailk26 26Muhammad Khurram26 27Faisal Saeed 26 28Raja Jawad29 29Muhammad Numan 26 30Muhammad Ahmed28 31Abdual Jubbar25 Note- Since Imran Khan, Muhammad Kashif, Toqeer Qadir, Muhammad Tahir, Adeel Shehzad and Raja Jawad has got top 6 positions we have decided to call them for the interview JOB INTERVIEW LETTER FUN MART (CFM) M. A Jinnah Campus, Defense road, Lahore July 1, 2007 M. A Jinnah Campus Defense road, Lahore Dear Sir: After review of your application and having excellent performance in the test, the Selection Committee is very interested in interviewing you for the position of Marketing Manager. This letter confirms the meeting in which we scheduled your interview for June 20, 2007, from (9 – 10 PM) in (class room). The Selection Committee members are: Naveed Zulfiqar Sadiq Ayaz Fasih Ullah Khan Suri hafiz Tajammul Hussain Shahid Mehmood Waqas Manzur Sincerely yours, Naveed Zulfiqar Chair, Selection Committee INTERVIEW ANALYSIS FORM Candidates |Communication |Confidence |Attitude | |Imran Khan |33 |105 |138 | |Raja Jawad |29 |107 |136 | |Muhammad Kashif |30 |107 |137 | |Adeel Shehzad |34 |88 |122 | |Mian Tahir |30 |83 |113 | |Toqeer Qadir |30 |90 |120 | So from the above table we got Mr. Imran Khan and Muhammad kashif top two candidates for the Job of M arketing Manager. We select Imran Khan and Muhammad Kashif and sending the Job Appointment Letter. LETTER OF APOINTMENT COMSATS FUN MART Naveed Zulfiqar M. A Jinnah Campus Chair Selection Committee Defense road, Tel: 0334 4026485 Lahore Email: [email  protected] com Mr. July 1, 2007 LETTER OF APPOINTMENT Dear Mr. Imran khan 1. Job Title I have pleasure in informing you that you have been appointed to the staff of the Company in the capacity of Marketing Manager 2. General conditions of employment Your employment will at all times be subject to the General Regulations and Conditions of Employment of Company Staff as amended from time to time by the Governing Body, A copy of these regulations is enclosed with this letter and a further copy, together with such amendments as may from time to time be made to it, will be available for inspection in the office of the Head of your Department and you are entitled to inspect this on giving reasonable notice. 3. Date of appointment Your appointment dates from July 1, 2007. 4. Department The department to which you are primarily assigned is the Marketing Department. The Head of this Department to whom you are responsible is the Mr. Fasih Ullah Khan Suri, Vice President (Marketing). 5. Duties and hours of work Business Development, Client Management, Manage strategic advertising programs with agencies and merchandise vendors, Analyzes results and takes action to maximize Co-Op revenue programs. Duties hours are from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. 6. Wages/salaries Your wages/salary will be 25,000 per month payable to you by transfer. Whilst the Company may offer other benefits from time to time they do not form part of your contract of employment. 7. Holidays You are entitled to holidays as set out in the General Regulations a. During holidays you are entitled to your normal basic rate of pay. 8. Sick Pay The conditions under which you may be entitled to payment during sickness are set out in the General Regulations 9. Notice to terminate employment The conditions under which your appointment may be terminated either by the Company or by you are set in the General Regulations. The minimum period of notice for your position is as shown in paragraph 7 of the General Regulations and Conditions of Employment. 10. Period of employment There is no period of employment with a previous employer that counts as part of your continuous period of employment with the Company. 11. Grievance procedure If you have a grievance, complaint or problem in relation to your employment, you should first approach the Head of your Department. If your grievance is not settled satisfactorily at that stage then you should follow the procedure set out in the General Regulations (paragraph 13). The information given in this letter and in the documents to which it refers, particularly the General Regulations and Conditions of Employment of Company Staff, and the particulars of the Staff Pension Scheme, is supplied to you in compliance with the provisions of laws currently in force, would you therefore kindly sign the enclosed form and return it to me as acknowledgement of your agreement to these terms of employment. Employee SignatureDate Yours sincerely Naveed Zulfiqar Chair Selection Committee Enclosures: 1. General Regulations of Employment